Thursday, January 24, 2013

Kindle Fire: An Amazing 7 Inch Tablet

This is not a long review about the Kindle fire, rather it is a brief summary of my experience in using this awesome device. You may have asked the question, is the Kindle Fire really that good? After you read this summary, I am sure the answer to that question will come easy to you. Personally, I think the kindle fire is a great, easy to use device for all ages.  

When I first got a hold of the kindle Fire, I was intrigued by its beautiful size and design. This 7 inch tablet is just the right size which makes it easy to carry around. The Kindle Fire is probably the best low-cost tablet available on the market. For just $159.00, you can own the amazing Kindle Fire. In addition, it ships freely from Amazon. Sometimes we tend to think that if a gadget is low-priced then it is no good, but this is entirely different from my experience with the Kindle Fire.You can visit  amazon main page for more details.

The Kindle fire comes in a box containing a power cord and a card with instructions on it.  It is a device with emphasis on functionality more than design. It has a simple design with just one button, two USB ports and a headphone jack.Enough of the technicalities, now let’s discuss my experience. If you buy your Kindle Fire from Amazon, the gadget comes already with your login details. This means that immediately once you switch on your device, you are set to begin. The beautiful bright home screen has labeled categories: Newsstand, Books, Videos, Docs, Apps and Web. This makes it easy to browse through your favorite categories.

Any book you ever bought on Amazon Kindle store will show in your book’s folder and so will your music and videos. Your Amazon account connects you to Amazon’s own App Store and other services Amazon provides.
The fire’s Silk browser of the Kindle Fire is fast and very fluid. This makes browsing so much fun. The browser sometimes displays the WebPages as mobile sites; nonetheless you can choose the desktop option for a website.Indeed the kindle fire is a beautiful work of art and science.

The kindle fire has a very easy interface and it is unlikely that you will get lost using it. The upper shelf has the categories mentioned earlier arranged above and a bookshelf case below with your stuff displayed in it. Your Kindle fire can play videos non-stop for 7.5 hours with wireless off and 8 hours for reading.

The only downside to the kindle fire is that it has memory capacity of 8GB and no more. This cannot be upgraded with an SD card. Nonetheless, the Kindle Fire is probably the best 7 inch tablet on the market today with its amazing design and flexible functionality.

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